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Take an insight into how we plan.

Step into our coach's brain and understand all the considerations we take week-in-week-out to plan the most tailored sessions for you, your strengths and areas of development. 

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Take an insight into how we plan.


Only focusing on the individual. 

Whenever our coaches plan sessions, there are certain procedures and processes we undertake to ensure a certain level of consistency. Underpinning all of this is individuality. We're constantly relating to you as an individual, even within a group setting. 

Always planned with you in mind.

Opinions, both yours and ours.

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Looking on the social side

Specifically, within our group sessions, we aim to encourage the social side of our sessions. We have current clientele who have attended our group sessions for several years, and It's great to see the friends they have made within their group.

Looking on the social side

Opinions, both yours and ours.

As coaches, we evaluate your opinion highly. If there is a technique that feels slightly awkward or you struggle to see where a technique would link to a game scenario, please ask. All of our coaches will be able to provide you with a sufficient, effective answer.

We are here to help you.

Just a gentle reminder that if we can be of any assistance, please let our support team know. We have attached a button below, which will take you to our support page. We aim to reply to all enquiries within 24 hours.

We are here to help you.


Relevant previous feedback

Many of the goalkeepers who attend our sessions have a general gauge of their strengths and areas of development. Some have received feedback from previous coaches. As well as making our conclusion, this previous information can be extremely useful for us to gain more clarity on the individual attending.

Changing based on age.

We are always looking at methods of adaptation to ensure individuality. Tailoring our sessions to age is one of the most effective ways we have found to do this. As coaches, we will alter and fine-tune parts of our plans for our younger and slightly older goalkeepers.

Crossing, narrow block, dive for everyth

Relevant previous feedback

Changing based on age.


Focusing on all four.

Our coaches constantly relate to these four elements; technical, tactical, physical and physiological, during our planning process to ensure that we are touching on all components. Which, in turn, will increase the effectiveness and consistency of our sessions.


Previous Feedback

Identifying current trends

The goalkeeping world is ever-changing. New techniques and tactical strategies are constantly emerging. Our coaches have a solid network which allows us access to these newly occurring changes which we can incorporate within our sessions.

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Providing constant feedback creates clarity for the individual within the session. It allows them to understand when a technique has been carried out to a high standard and the possible areas of development. In turn, aiding their development and creating clarity.

Constant Feedback

Constant Feedback

Identifying current trends

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